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CECOVI Entry #2- Week of June 23, 2004 :

Asking Questions in an Online Environment

Lucina’s Postings

Response from Metacursos moderator

Forum:  Conclusions about types of questions

Times Read:  16

Author:  FELIX CHACON, Lucina Lola


These are the interesting questions that were asked at our small group:

  • Is it the moderator’s wish or the student’s that matters?  (Morfe)
  • Is it [to participate in a discussion] about habit or responsibility?  (Alipio)
  • Why does a participant attend a Network course sporadically? (Jenny Luz)
  • What kind of profile should a CECOVIAN have in order to have an acceptable participation in the network course? (Lucina)
  • Does the quality of the exploration, reflection and engagement with the virtual classroom material depend only on the level of participation that each of us have in the network course?  (Hugo Trinidad)

My reflections are:

We teachers want our students to participate as moderators do. But how do we help them do this?

How do you think that we can avoid frustrating our students as participants in discussions, with the interventions we have as teachers?

Your two discussion inputs about the reading show a significant commitment to Peruvian education and our need to make efforts to improve it.    I think that they would have fit better in the thought of the week.  We are using this space to get totally involved with what we are reading and what our colleagues think about that.  After you have read what is assigned for each week, I invite you to ask yourself:1) What is my opinion on this?  2) Can I do this in the classroom, the network, in both places?  3) What can I apply and where shouldn’t I make a mistake? Perhaps questions such as these will help you to go beyond the reading and come up with comments and new questions that will enrich the reading.  This is what we call ENRICHING the discussion.  Regarding the rest, it’s important to comment on what others have written in order to have a dialogue.  If not we become a group that expresses but does not carry out a dialogue.  This is what we call INTERWEAVING the discussion.   Finally, when you participate, let everyone know the concerns you still have, what you want the group to discuss in order to go deeper into the topic.  This is what we call CREATING new dialogue.  I bet that your input next week will be enriching, well interwoven and creative!

Forum:  Reflecting throughout the week

Date:  07-07-2004 22:00

Author:  FELIX CHACON, Lucina Lola

Subject Re:  My reading

Hello friends,

Taking students to a new conceptual level and deepening the dialogue between participants in an asynchronous environment is challenging. Because of our educational tradition, it is natural to expect a different approach from us. In order to discuss an idea, we are in a culture where you wait for a good or bad evaluation after each answer (and CECOVI wants participants to comment on the messages, not the facilitator).  The teachers who are carrying out this seminar have a common concern; they are helping us to transition to an educational approach of reflecting on problems.

We “co-trainees”, who have just started learning to work with networks and to create a dialogue amongst the participants, think that the word “co-trainees” should not be used because we are isolating and frustrating the participants.  Let’s try to avoid this term and let’s not focus this course on grading teachers, that they should deepen their practice or be more dedicated, let the participants use this online forum to express themselves, and express any individual concerns of ours directly with the facilitator.

About your reading about the week’s events, you contributed very important ideas. 

I would like you to initiate a discussion about the concept of co-trainee, because in regards to the developmental process of students it is good to show that we are willing to learn together, rather than tell them (students) what they should know.  Will you try this in next week’s discussion?  Don’t forget to title your message in a way that lets us know what your intention is and which questions will lead the discussion.