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dot-EDU Fact Sheet

Initiative for Namibian Education Technology (iNET)

Period of Performance: January 2, 2003 through July 31, 2005


Gender equity, professional development, ICT

Project Goal:

To ensure that information communication technologies (ICTs) is systematic, sustainable and that a threshold of educational leadership in the use and application of technology is cultivated.


The Initiative for Namibian Education Technology (iNET) follows on from USAID/Namibia’s previous ICT support to the Ministry of Basic Education, Sport and Culture (MBESC) in the establishment of physical, online and human resources within the Ministry as well as policy development in relation to ICT, education and training. These activities were implemented via the Global Communications and Learning Systems task order (LearnLink) and the Rössing Foundation.

The current iNET activity builds on previous activities and draws on the cross-sectoral benefits of ICT in the Namibian education sector. Gender sensitivity in professional development and improvement of women’s professional opportunities through dot-EDU are important priorities in this activity. dot-EDU support strengthens the skills of education officials in using computer technology for improved professional performance.

List of Partners:

EDC is the prime contractor for this Award, with the majority of the work contracted to AED. EDC and AED staff and dot-EDU partners will ensure above all that project activities, in collaboration with the Ministry of Basic Education, Sport and Culture will lead to the achievement of three (3) Program Results (PRs):

PR1 - Improved standards of professional development for MBESC officials (teachers, advisory teachers, principals, inspectors, regional and head office staff) achieved through expanded and sustained use of ICT. More specifically,

PR2 - Structures and support systems will be developed to facilitate ongoing policy discussions on effective uses of ICT for education.

PR3 - Improved MBESC policy and planning through decentralization of the Ministry’s Education and Management and Information System (EMIS) to all regional education offices as well as to all circuit offices within BES supported regions.

For more information about this project, please contact: